Saturday 6 September 2008


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Commentary: This was done for Tom on Muselive. I suggest you vote for his site. You can for him here. Sorry about the lack of updates, feeling uninspired at the moment.

Monday 7 July 2008


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The old ones are the best. This was meant to be the original #10, so ignore the bad numbering. Two reasons why it's up: 1) I haven't finished the comic I wanted to do (it's going to take some time, so bear with me) and 2) it was unused, so I thought the time was appropriate. And yes, it's an old joke, but it's still brilliant.

Thursday 26 June 2008


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Damn spaceworks, they never finish on time, do they? There are alternate endings to this comic! I'll post them some day.

Sunday 22 June 2008

Not a Comic #2: Top Gear

Top Gear returned tonight, which if you missed can be found here, and I'm so glad they're back to the cutting edge of cocking about. The episode started with a supercar race, to demonstrate what supercar does the most MPG (mile per gallon), in the TG tongue-in-cheek response to the fuel crisis in the UK at the moment. Then the boys demonstated how a BMW M3 is does more MPG than a hybrid car. News was hilarious, James talking about 'change priorities' signs, Richard comparing cars to Pokemon, and Jeremy upsetting the audience (with, I think, The review of the new Ferrari rambled on a bit, the interview with Justin Lee Collins and Alan Carr was a bit boring. Then, the TG boys were given £1000 to buy a used car to make a "better" police car, than the current UK police force's Vauxhall Astras. May bought a terrible Lexus, Clarkson going OTT as usual and buying a Fiat coupe, and Hammond turns up in the "Barbie-mobile". I won't dare spoil what happened, but it was all too much, and had me in hysterics.

I've left out the fact they also had a "Top Gear Stuntman", due to the fact it was more irritating than entertaining. I also feel health and safety or some higher power in the BBC had some control over the show, but hey, things can only get better! I'm not saying it was terrible, cause it wasn't. It was TG back to it's best, I just can't wait to see more!

Thursday 19 June 2008


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Tut tut, Muse fans fixing that NME poll again. Beware the mighty pen of James. HUGE thanks to Laura (~screenager~ from ML) for the Thom Yorke on a bike idea, and I stole her Daily Fail title too. The original comic I had for this week I'll do another time, I was unhappy with it. Sorry folks!

Wednesday 18 June 2008

Not a Comic #1

It's not a comic no, but a brief chatty post where I might just ramble, but hi there! Thanks for visiting, no doubt this got some exposure thanks to, so cheers for Tom Wilson for giving me such exposure. I'm slowly developing the comics into a nicer, more creative style than just black and white stick men, so bear with me. Number 10 is finished! It will be out on Friday sometime, and I think it's one of my favourites, and to wet your appetite, here be a thumbnail from the comic. By the way, I love comments, praise or constructive criticism, so please leave them! You don't have to be a blogger user to leave one.

See you soon.

PS. Go buy Viva la Vida by Coldplay. Awesome.

Friday 13 June 2008


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Oooh, what's this? A satirical look at some Muse news? Well, I never. Sorry about the long update, I've been mega busy with my girlfriend, work, and trying to avoid the damn plot for the new Metal Gear game. I'll try and make #10 for the weekend.
EDIT: I know Brazilian is spelt wrong. I'm very tired from work.
EDIT the Second: Spelling corrected. Huzzah.

Friday 30 May 2008


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I have Rock Band/Guitar Hero on the brain recently, and I wanted to do a comic about Dom. I guess this is the result.

Monday 19 May 2008


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I dunno where this one came from. I guess it contains everything I stereotype about Muse. Dom being a closet homosexual, Chris is never allowed to talk, Kirk is constantly on some kind of drug, and Matt's ego is huge. With Internet conspiracies. Disclaimer: I do not think this really about the band. Except Dom, it'll happen when the time is right.

Friday 16 May 2008


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Cast your mind back to Musechat, when Matt was playing with a spoon. I figured there's so many message board jokes the band won't get anyway, it seems pointless trying to do something at gig, for example, spoons at Wembley. The idea for the Hate This & I'll Love You pun though, is a totally different story. For another day.


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Mr. X was a "user" on Muselive, leaking clips of Easily in SYS. This sorta encouraged lots of people to make similar things like Mr.Y, Mr.A etc. posting cryptic messages, which usually lead to crap. I guess this is me poking fun at those clones, and those who believe it. I do, however, want a Tom Kirk condom. By the way, I do think .mu is not full of gullible clowns.


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Well, I figured, Muse fans moan a lot. And it bugged me when they do moan about certain songs not getting played at gigs. Citizen Erased seems to be the biggest culprit. I'm sure Matt does feel the same.